Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bean Burgers

Top: Baked.  Bottom: Fried

I started making my own bean burgers years ago because of my desire to stay away from all processed foods. This recipe is a mere guideline and can be altered as desired.

Ingredients: (I use this term rather loosely)

2 cans of your favorite beans, drained & rinsed
1/2 an onion
2-3 cloves of garlic (optional)
1 bell pepper, any color (red will be sweeter)
Parsley, cilantro, salt, pepper, spices
Olive oil

Start out  by sautéing, in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, half of a diced red onion, one large bell pepper (any color will do), a few cloves of minced garlic and a small handful of fresh parsley. Cook for medium heat until the veggies are softened.

Black Beans
 Use two cans of your favorite beans such as black beans and start out by draining and rinsing them. Place them in a food processor and pulse or mash with a fork until beans are broken up. Process the cooked veggies as well.

Processed beans
Processed veggies.

Mix the two together and add a little flour (about 1/4 cup) to help the patties hold together. Let your imagination run wild and add spices such as cumin and coriander for a Mexican flavor, or curry spices for an Indian version. Use garbanzo (chickpea) flour to make them gluten free. 

Place patties on parchment paper and bake in a 375 degree oven for about 30 minutes. Use a spatula to carefully flip the burgers after 15 minutes. They should brown slightly and hold their shape when done.

The burgers can be fried as well. I suggest, that if you are going to fry them, that you make a small test patty to see if it holds together in the oil. If it starts to fall apart, add more flour to the mixture and test again. Quite frankly, I think they taste better baked and it was less of a mess. This recipe makes about eight large burgers. Store in the fridge in a sealed container or wrap separately and freeze for later use.

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